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Welcome to the virtual event:

How to Become Superhuman Challenge (Educator Edition)

Unleash Your Teaching Potential, Ignite Leadership Skills, and Forge Unbreakable Bonds with Students: Join Markel and Brianna Brown's 'Becoming Superhuman' 5-Day Challenge!


The Virtual How To Become Superhuman 5-day Challenge starts December 18th,2023 @ 7PM EST

Registration closes on December 17th at 11:59 PM EST. Reserve your spot at the Live Virtual Summit for FREE.


Hey there, fellow educators! Brianna Brown here, and I'm super thrilled to invite you on a transformative journey with my husband and I.

Are you ready to amp up your impact, strengthen those student and staff connections, and tap into your inner superhero? Well, that's what "Becoming Superhuman" is all about!


What's All the Buzz About?

This isn't your average course—it's a five-day adventure designed especially for educators like us. In this game-changing journey, we're diving into:

  • Mindset Magic: Ever heard the saying, "Change your thoughts, change your world"? We're diving deep into that concept and how it shapes our teaching universe.

  • Understanding Personal Styles: We'll unravel the nuances of different styles and how they influence our interactions in education.

  • Rockstar Communication: Tailoring our leadership style to authentically connect with our students, colleagues, and everyone in between.

  • Here's the hard truth: Your potential for impact as an educator is directly tied to how well you understand and connect with those around you. Ignoring the nuances of communication and leadership styles limits your ability to inspire, guide, and transform.

    Embracing this challenge means acknowledging that to truly excel in education, you must not only master your subject matter but also master the art of understanding and adapting to the diverse styles within your educational ecosystem.

    Your success hinges on your willingness to dive deep, challenge the status quo, and become a true 'superhuman' in your approach to teaching, leading, and connecting.

    The Virtual Challenge: How to Become Superhuman Ticket Prices

  • Day 1 marks the beginning of our transformative journey. We're diving straight into exploring the extraordinary influence of your mindset on your teaching universe.

    Here's what you can expect:

    Unleashing Potential: Explore how your mindset profoundly impacts teaching, leadership, and the overall learning environment.

    Transformative Techniques: Discover practical strategies to shift your mindset for success, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence. Revolutionize Your

    Approach: Uncover the secrets to harnessing the full potential of your thoughts, elevating your teaching methods to new heights.

    Get ready to ignite this transformative journey by unlocking the superhero-worthy power of your mind. Let's delve into setting the stage for an incredible week of growth and discovery!

  • Day 2 marks a pivotal moment in our journey. Today, we dive into unlocking your leadership prowess without limits.

    Here's a glimpse of what's ahead:

    Unveiling Strengths: Explore traits that empower your leadership, guiding you to drive goals and handle challenges with confidence.

    Assertive Navigation: Discover strategies to confidently address conflicts, assert your voice, and ensure your impact echoes within your educational sphere.

    Embrace Your Influence: Learn how to lead with conviction, ensuring your presence is felt and your guidance is impactful.

    Get ready to ignite your leadership abilities and elevate your impact in education. Let's uncover the traits that will define your path toward becoming an influential educator!

  • Day 3 signifies a significant phase of our journey. Today, we dive into the art of fostering impactful communication that transcends boundaries.

    Here's a glimpse of what we'll cover:

    Influence through Connection: Explore the nuances of impactful communication, learning how to inspire and motivate through compelling interactions.

    Crafting Vibrant Environments: Discover techniques to create engaging and dynamic educational spaces that draw others toward your vision.

    Inspire Through Dialogue: Learn to articulate your ideas with finesse, ensuring your message resonates and inspires action.

    Get ready to unlock the secrets of influential communication and create an environment that fosters growth and inspiration. Let's embark on this journey of becoming a communicator that leaves a lasting impact!

  • Day 4 signifies a crucial stage in our journey. Today, we explore the strength of stability and support in educational environments.

    Here's what awaits you:

    Navigating Change: Discover strategies to create stability amidst transitions, fostering a supportive teaching space where everyone feels valued and empowered.

    Cultivating Trust: Uncover techniques to build a foundation of trust and reliability, nurturing an environment where growth and learning flourish.

    Embrace Harmony: Learn to foster an atmosphere of calmness and strength, ensuring a nurturing space for both educators and learners.

    Get ready to embrace the power of stability and support, cultivating an environment where everyone can thrive. Let's set the stage for a harmonious and nurturing educational experience!

  • Day 5 marks a pinnacle moment in our journey. Today, we immerse ourselves in the realm of precision and excellence in education.

    Here's what's in store:

    Detailed Planning: Dive into meticulous planning techniques, ensuring every aspect of your teaching is thoughtfully crafted for maximum impact.

    Balanced Approach: Discover the delicate balance between structure and flexibility, creating optimal learning environments that cater to diverse needs.

    Execution with Precision: Learn to execute tasks with meticulous attention, ensuring excellence in every facet of your educational endeavors.

    Get ready to delve into the world of precision and excellence, crafting an educational experience that sets the standard for greatness. Let's conclude our journey by refining your approach to teaching with precision!

  • The Virtual Challenge: How to Become Superhuman Ticket Prices

    Meet Your Host

    Markel & Brianna Brown

    There we were, just navigating life's crazy twists and turns, dealing with challenges left and right. But then, this big obstacle popped up - trying to figure each other out. We were drifting, struggling to sync up our lives. Trust took a hit, communication stumbled, and everything just felt off.

    Then, out of the blue, a total game-changer showed up.

    A buddy introduced us to this assessment thing, like a mirror showing us how we came across to the world. Suddenly, it all clicked. Understanding different viewpoints became second nature. Embracing our strengths wasn't just about surviving; it was about thriving together in life's crazy mix.

    That moment sparked something big. It wasn't just about us; it was about sharing these game-changing tools. So, we dove into human behavior, got life coaching certifications, and bam - TRUU LLC was born, a kind of safe haven for personal development.

    But here's the kicker - our journey didn't stop there. Enter the 'How to Become Superhuman' challenge. Five days that capture the heart of our story. It's all about effortlessly handling relationships and reading the room, no matter the situation. This challenge? It's our way of handing you the keys to transformation, guiding you to boldly step into your own greatness. So, what do you say? Ready to jump into this journey with us?

    Ready to Unleash Your Superhuman Potential? Join the How to Become Superhuman Challenge Now!


    Here's our pledge to you:

    We're diving headfirst into this 'How to Become Superhuman Challenge' because we truly believe it can be a game-changer for you. But hey, if by the end of these five days, that transformative spark isn't glowing inside you, don't worry. We've got your back.

    We're making a bold promise here. If you don't feel absolutely pumped about the value and growth you've gained, your investment is fully safeguarded. No questions asked, no hoops to jump through - just our unwavering commitment to your satisfaction.

    This journey is all about you, and we're right here, by your side through it all. Your satisfaction is our top priority. Let's make every second of these five days count together!

    Copyright © Truu, LLC.  2023